Single green leaf - photo by Kiran Kumar.


by Noni Ervin

Life is a combination of
Seconds and minutes and hours
Days, months, years
Decisions and journeys both pleasant and painful

Life is moving at the speed of thought
And being frustrated by the limitations of humanity
It is knowing that there are ups and downs
Twists and turns and unbearable hills
Climbing when you can’t see where you’re going

Life is a collage of memories
Times you laughed, times you cried
And times you’d rather forget
With every day the picture of your life changes

Life is running and skipping and jumping
Walking and talking
Conversation and music
Composition and the dance
It is beautiful and it is art

Life is cold air and hot days
Springtime and autumn leaves
The seasons we pass through
Make us stronger, yes, stronger

Life is watercolors and crayons
Chocolate chips and peanut butter
The things we know
The things we love
The things that make us unique

Life is stimulation to all of the senses
Tasting strawberries and smelling a rose
Feeling the wind and hearing a bell
The sight of a newborn

Life is passed on from one generation to another
A habit, an inheritance, a legacy
Love and forgiveness
Salvation and righteousness
Hope for all things new

Noni Ervin is a Pacific Northwest native. She serves on the Leadership Council of Seattle’s African-American Writers’ Alliance and has contributed to Magazine. She is a published author of poetry, as well as the eight-book Kinara Park Kids ® miniseries. Noni also has more than 30 years of experience in business management and strategic development, specializing in helping businesses and organizations grow in capacity rapidly. She met her husband of 20 years at Seattles Seward Park and the rest is history. They have two sons and have taken up cycling in recent years. Noni is currently working on her next two books.

Featured image is attributed to Kiran Kumar under a Creative Commons 2.0 license (CC BY 2.0).

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