Tag Archives: MLK Labor

Southcenter Macy’s Workers Picket Stalled Contract Negotiations

by Ronnie Estoque

Last Friday afternoon, Aug. 11, workers from the Westfield Southcenter Macy’s held a picket demanding an increase in wages and security as ongoing contract negotiations that began in late February have stalled. UFCW 3000 member Azia Domingo has worked at Macy’s for two decades and serves on the bargaining team. 

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Seattle and Skagit Communities Commemorate May Day

by Guy Oron

(This article originally appeared on Real Change and has been reprinted under an agreement.)

Across Skagit County and Seattle, hundreds of workers and their families marched and celebrated International Workers Day, popularly known as May Day. Organizers highlighted the struggle for better wages and conditions as well as a variety of other progressive causes.

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