Tag Archives: Beacon Food Forest

The Beacon Food Forest Belongs to Everybody: BIPOC Leadership Cultivates Equity and Accessibility

by Amanda Sorell

The Beacon Food Forest, a 7-acre haven in Beacon Hill’s Jefferson Park, is built on the principle of providing an inclusive place for “all people” and “all species.” Signage welcomes visitors to the forest, where “open harvest” is encouraged, and paths weave past blooming flowers, between abundant gardens, and below rows of fruit trees. Community Relations Director Priya Marita Diaz says the food forest is a “space where people find their nook,” whether those visitors are gardeners, foragers, herbalists, crafters, or groups who just want a peaceful place to meet outdoors. “We have this freedom to express ourselves in the space and use it for healing and building community and coming together,” Diaz said.

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