Tag Archives: Skate Park

Efforts to Bring a Skate Park to Rainier Beach Pick Back Up

by Agueda Pacheco Flores

Danielle Jackson has revived a project she dreamed up four years ago after witnessing a kid ride down Renton Avenue on a skateboard in the rain. 

She was bewildered and thought, “There’s gotta be somewhere where our kids can go skate.” That’s when Jackson says she found Seattle’s Citywide Skatepark Plan, which pointed to sites across Seattle ripe for a skate park. The Rainier Beach Playfield was one of them, but for any project to take off, it had to be community-led. 

Continue reading Efforts to Bring a Skate Park to Rainier Beach Pick Back Up

Roller Skating Is Back! … But It Never Really Went Away

by Beverly Aarons

Four wheels, five, three, and even two — inline, quads, or whatever suits you. Choose a rink and pump some tunes — the roller skating craze is in Seattle, too. 

When I first heard that roller skates were on back order and hard to find, I chuckled. First there was a run on toilet paper and now skates too? The pandemic gods have a great sense of humor. But then I began to remember some of my fondest childhood moments: Friday nights as a 1980s preteen rolling around the wooden floor of a local roller rink in Chicago. I felt a deep sense of nostalgia as I recalled the remixed and pumped-up James Brown songs that accompanied my wobbly skate legs. And I wondered: How has one of America’s most beloved pastimes fared 150 years after James Plimpton invented the modern roller skate and 50 years after its disco heyday? 

Continue reading Roller Skating Is Back! … But It Never Really Went Away