Tag Archives: The Unspoken Truths

PHOTO ESSAY | Intiman Theatre’s ‘The Lion Tells His Tale’ Explores Unspoken African American History

by Susan Fried

There is an old African proverb that says, “Until the lion tells his tale, the hunt will always glorify the hunter.” Mr. Delbert Richardson’s award-winning American History Traveling Museum “The Unspoken Truths” presents history from the African American perspective by showing the rich history of Africans and African Americans and revealing historical facts and knowledge about the accomplishments of Black people throughout history that are left out of the majority of history books.

The Intiman Theatre’s production of The Lion Tells His Tale, written by Vida Oliphant Sneed and directed by Steve Sneed, began as an exploration of how the museum and Mr. Richardson’s journey to the life of a storyteller could be brought to life on stage. Longtime friends Vida, Steve, and Delbert met over Zoom during the height of the COVID pandemic and came up with a framework to turn Mr. Richardson’s love of history and the importance of telling America’s untold story into a play.

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